Aprl 27, 2007 San Juan Puerto Rico

Don't we look at home here?
Fernando, graduate student of Herealal at the University, who drove us up the mountain, on the left, Sita and Sid to the right of Kath.

Where they keep the rainforest.

The approach along winding mountain roads.

The roaring rivers run through.

Beautiful stone pathways are built through the wildness, never out of tune with the environment. This is the most straight and narrow path we saw.

Everything grows happens on a large scale here, the abundant trumpet-wood trees drop giant leaves.

forest steps

The moss covered stones and paths reminded Sita and Heralal of special places they loved in India.

mysterious step #83 (the only numbered step we saw)

Imagine lunch in such a place. This was our picnic site.

Imagine a picnic like this! Sita got up early and made the "puri" round flat breads, and also the spicy red sauce with chayote (vegetable) balls.

Lusciously entantangled one plant blooms and unfurls, clinging to another, the way of the rainforest

On the left what you see, on the right, what you don't (the hidden blooms).

sun steps

Unfurling tree-fern branches

Unfurling travelers

On the way home...a rainbow. We almost decided we deserved to go back to the hotel after this long day, but our hosts suggested a visit to the old section of San Juan, and so that extended the day into a whole new adventure.

Not only us but gigantic cruise ship fulls of travelers had the same idea.

Old San Juan welcomed us all and just did what it usually did... danced and played into the night.

The percussion was fun!

Amazing to see so many men initiating the dances, we had never quite seen anything like this.

Old San Juan by night. We strolled and found a nice restaurant.

Fernando's cheerful girlfriend Rebecca joined us for dinner. We were all grateful to Fernando for his great driving and sense of direction, and we enjoyed their company.

Just before we all went to sleep under the table... no, really we made it back to the hotel, after a wonderful day.

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