May 6, 2004

We were delighted to finally arrive in San Diego for a visit especially to see the progress of grandson Ryan, now 4 months. We were greeted by this wonderful sight! Below, you can see how he looked the last time we saw him at three weeks:

Mommy and grandma are beaming with pleasure, enjoying the two boys and their delightful personalities. Ryan is calm and observant, easy going and quiet. Dylan likes his brother, and remains dynamic, smart, inquisitive and charming.

Dylan says Ryan can "do a few things."

Kathy is known to Dylan as "the grandma who brings me toys."

He especially enjoyed these "dinosaur puzzle tracks" with battery operated train and car. He had to keep his eye on them, and keep them from interrupting each other's paths.

Ryan watched from a distance.
He's grown from 4 lbs 6 oz on Jan 5, to 16 lbs on May 6.

Dylan liked the glider Grandpa Rick brought for him, and sure all the stickers were on right.

Everyone played with their favorite toys, including this trio! Friend Harry Bower was with us rehearsing with Rick for their concert in June.

Dylan and grandma were so happy listening and playing.

And Ryan was ready for a nap!

Thank you Tim, Sally, Dylan and Ryan for a great visit! Hope we can see you soon again!

Go to Ryan's birth announcement
Ryan's first photos
Our first visit to Ryan January 25, 2004

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