I Never Got Another
by Kathleen Wilson

I traveled thirteen hours across the map: Kyoto Zoo.
Upon entering, a map is given.
Leaning over into a deep pit...oops!... I dropped it.
--Dozens of monkeys are busy. Mothers preening babies,
males vying for power, young teens showing how far they can jump--
Few noticed my map floating down.
One, near the bottom, snatched it in one hand, lickety-split,
raced to the top of the monkey bars.
Eye level from me, staring, he ate my map.
Not in one gulp but in several.
Jealous all, other monkeys (at respectful distance)
crying, "Map, map, map, map, map!".
Relaxed on the highest rung, he looked with appetence before each bite.
That's it. Map's gone. Cry your eyes out. I've done it.
Next time hold onto your map. Grab the good stuff.
There you go. That's how you do it.
Grasp opportunity. Let brilliance flash.
I went back to the gate, and tried to explain...
"I need a map-- the monkey ate mine!'
Now, how do you say that in Japanese?

Illustration and Proof for "I Never Got Another Another"

Looking into the monkey pit


Jealous but respectful spectator

This is not my map...(I never got another)
but an a similar design, posted on a large sign at the Zoo.

Close up of the illustration